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"Carolyn Ziel is a master facilitator who learns whatever she teaches deep into her psyche and knows how to translate those concepts effectively. She has studied METHOD WRITING with me for over a decade and has an intuitive grasp of its concepts that transcend mere rote repetition. Most important of all, she has an empathic sense of what the student needs and conveys both art and life lessons in a thoughtful and caring manner." 


Jack Grapes Creator of Method Writing©

After publishing two books I didn't write for a full year. I tried to get back into the habit of writing, but I just couldn't. Everything and anything got in the way. So, I took Adventures In Writing to add some accountability. What I didn't expect was for it to transform my writing, my brain, and my life. I am not only writing daily again, but I am experiencing a whole new story. The exercises have me stretching and letting go of controlling every word. What's landing on the page in front of me is far better than I could have painstakingly crafted. Wow! This is fun!


Sue Skalicky ~ Author

I can guarantee that by the end of this seven-week course you will become a more empowered writer. 

You'll learn tools and techniques that will not only make you a more proficient writer, but you'll come to understand that the dreaded "Writer's Block" is a myth.


That may seem like quite a claim, but I can make it because if you even just try to do the exercises I teach you, in the 'trying' you will discover that your writing has improved.


We focus on process which will lead you to product.


I'll teach you to GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY and write. No matter what you want to write, or what you are writing, I will support you in becoming an even better writer than you are now!  


  • Learn how to manipulate tone to create dynamic and compelling text whether writing memoir, fiction, newsletters, or poetry.

  • Learn how to use tools and concepts that will make it almost impossible NOT to write dynamic and powerful prose (or poetry).

  • Learn how to use language and draw your reader in and compel him to turn the page.

  • Uncover your authentic voice—your unique signature that is original to you.

  • Gain confidence and clarity and a greater understanding of your personal creative process.

Jack Grapes Method Writing©
7-Week Class
"Voice creates character;
character drives plot." Jack Grapes


Winter 2025 

Fridays 8am Pacific: January 10, 17, 24, 31, 

February 7, 14, 21


Spring 2025

Fridays 8am Pacific: March 7, 14, 21, 28, April 4, 11, 18

Stay Tuned for more dates and times.
You'll learn Jack Grapes Method Writing©, a series of concepts and tools to support you in becoming the best writer you can be. You'll learn the following: 
  • How to access your creativity with fluidity and ease.
  • Learn how to organically tell your story, creating space for flexibility and surprise in your creative process.
  • Learn how to use 'tonal dynamics' to make your writing compelling and unique. 
  • Tell your story not focusing on your story but on the exercises you learn in class. In other words, your story, no matter what it is, will never be boring.
  • Never have writer's block again.
  • And so much more
​Cost  495
Register before Valentine's Day for a discounted rate of $475 Enter Code: EarlyBird at checkout.
All Classes are Virtual VIA ZOOM CONFERENCE.
In Level One you'll learn the foundational concepts of Jack Grapes' Method Writing©
  1. Write Like You Talk: This is the core of good writing and will lead you to the discovery of your own voice. We throw out the idea of trying to write like a writer, and instead you just write like you talk.

  2. The Transformation Line: This is a tool that will transform your writing and allow you to go deep. It is this deep connected voice that compels your reader to keep reading. 

  3. Image Moment: It is with image moment that you will learn to create compelling, vivid, cinematic scenes to create suspense and move your narrative forward by stretching psychological time.

  4. Dreaded Association: Writing is primarily a left brain exercise. This technique allows you to access your right, more creative side of your brain.  


Once you've completed Level One, and you've learned the foundational concepts you can then hone in on your voice while learning about the "Art of Tonal Dynamics" in levels 2-5.​

"I learned more from Carolyn doing ONE writing exercise with her than I have learned in 20 plus years of taking writing classes! 


Tamara McCleary—CEO, Thulium

Classes run for seven weeks. Each class focuses on a particular concept for each student as well as a review of the previous week's tools, concepts and assignment. Students receive personal attention, instruction, and guidance in a SAFE and SUPPORTIVE and FUN setting.


You'll also receive:


  • A deeper understanding of what voice is.

  • A new way to approach the page with ease.

  • Newfound confidence and creative spark that will make it easier and easier to face the blank page.

  • Tools and tips and concepts that will strike Writer's Block down in its path!

And . . . 


  • Upon registration, you'll receive a welcome message and a follow-up email with all pertinent information. 

  • Group contact information for further connection and community support.

  • Access to email support with Carolyn during the six weeks. 

©2019 by Essential Search, Inc.

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