"Carolyn has a wealth of knowledge and a keen eye, two essential qualities of an inspiring and experienced editor.
She helped me to sharpen a story I was working on, and had good ideas on ways to make it stronger. I also appreciated her suggestions on where to submit the story.
I recommend Carolyn. She is an asset to anyone working on a story, essay, or novel." ~~ Jessica Copen
“Get it down. Take chances. It may be bad, but it’s the only way you can do anything really good.” — William Faulkner
If you want to write that novel, or memoir, or book of poetry, don't just say you want to write it, write it. You gotta Nike it, if you get my drift—Just Do It.
If you're a writer, you write.
If you want to be the best writer you can be, then write with me.
"Everything is the book, but everything doesn't have to go into the book." Jack Grapes
​Don't edit yourself when you write. Or decide what will or will not go into your book even before you write it. Instead, you must write. And write. And write. Until you're done writing.
It's like falling in love. When you meet that right person, you just know. When you're done with your first draft, you'll just know.
And when you're done, you're not really done. Everything is a first draft. You may write your novel in one shot, straight through, in order, scene to scene—though many do not, I didn't. No matter how you get there, to the end—to that point where you can speak the words: I wrote a book—that's just the first draft. You're book isn't ready for the world yet.
Now it needs to be made ready—edited. I will help you edit your work.
Some find editing harder than writing the book. I do not. Not only that, I have a knack for developmental editing and will ensure your story have an arch, that the reader will want to go on the ride with your characters and that you're book will be good. Because you spent all that time on it, you want it to be good.
For some, writing is lonely business and some writers need accountability and support along the way. If you're one of those lonely writers join my Found Voices™ Next Level Writing Support class.
I always wanted to be a painter. To be able to look at the ocean, or rolling green hills and skies dotted with white and replicate what I see on canvas. But I am NO painter. Ask my husband, he'll back me up on that.
I paint with words. I am able to look at that ocean and string words together to create waves that lap onto the shores of my blank pages. I am a writer. Ask my husband, he'll back me up on that.
Not only can I teach you to paint with words, and create colorful and moving images and scenes, and uncover your deep voice to connect with your reader, I can also guide you through the tricky process of editing your work.